Longwood Primary School

Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Whittle


Together we maintain a safe, clean and stimulating environment within which we can learn and live in harmony. We aim to promote sustainability and an awareness of wider global issues through our connected curriculum.

A warm welcome to year 6 - an important year for all the children. As staff, we will support all children in their learning to achieve their potential and value any additional support you can give!

PE will take place every Wednesday. Please ensure your child wears the relevant PE kit on this day.

Please return reading books on a Friday if they need changing. These will be replaced on Monday.

Spellings and target times tables will be tested on a Friday.

Year 6: News items

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Year 6: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 6: Calendar items

Yr 6 Forest School, by Mrs Matthews

Sports Afternoon, by Mrs Matthews

Grandparents Meals Yr6, by Mrs Matthews

Get Directions

Get in Touch - We would love to hear from you!

Longwood Primary School
Allton Avenue, Mile Oak
Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 3NH
Main Contact: Mrs R.Price (Office)
Key Staff: R.Matthews (SENDco)
P.James (Headteacher)
P.Armitage MBE/MstJ (Chair of Governors)