Longwood Primary School


Music is a large part of daily life at Longwood. Our pupils sing as a whole school or within their key stage. We believe that music has value as an academic subject which lies in its contribution to enjoyment and enrichment for all. Each week we explore a different genre of music and encourage our learners to express their opinions freely on aspects they liked or disliked and why. 

Our pupils are given many opportunities to sing and explore instruments across the school with an organised progression of skills which are revisited frequently.Our learners musical journey is evidenced in our year group music books as well as on our secure platform to share our experiences with our parents and local community.  Throughout Key Stage 2, our pupils are expected to start composing more structured pieces of music - often in groups. This encourages improved social and listening skills in addition to the many musical skills that are taught. We work alongside our local music hub (www.shrophiremusicservice.org.uk) to enhance our in school provision. We liaise with the local hub to provide 20 cornets and 10 trombones for our learners to use in curriculum lessons. The focus of our lessons is on the seven common musical elements: tempo, dynamics, pitch, structure, texture, timbre and duration. 

Many of our pupils are encouraged to participate in professional lessons to gain recognised qualifications. They also have the opportunity to perform at our termly concerts to celebrate their achievements. We have offered Yamaha Music School tuition to pupils. We are currently exploring funding opportunities to enable our learners to explore this opportunity further. We regularly signpost families to the Entrust Support Services for opportunities within the local authority  https://entrustmusic.co.uk/ 

 Performing is important at Longwood as we believe that pupils who learn music at any level learn self discipline, expression through sound, fine motor skills, problem solving skills, cooperation and collaborate with others and ignite their creative and critical minds. At Longwood we understand the joy music can bring to our learners. Each class is given the opportunity to perform a musical recital, poetry performance and a song based extended performance across the school year. Longwood believes that singing is the golden thread in all music lessons and in the wider extra curriculum.  A mixture of traditional hymns and modern songs are taught and sang collectively during this time. We have a timetable whereby songs are repeated to build pupil confidence and knowledge of songs. Pupils at Longwood gain a lot of enjoyment from this approach. Across the year there are several opportunities for learners to sing and perform to an audience such as Governors and members of the local community including the Church. This further embeds our strong relationships and brings the joy of music to as many people as possible. Learners from Longwood visit the local care homes and sing to the residents throughout the year as well as our annual outdoor carol concert which takes place in our forest school area around a camp fire. Through our curriculum inside the classroom and musical opportunities outside the classroom we embed the national currciulum to support our learners in releasing their musical potential. 

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Longwood Primary School
Allton Avenue, Mile Oak
Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 3NH
Main Contact: Mrs R.Price (Office)
Key Staff: R.Matthews (SENDco)
P.James (Headteacher)
P.Armitage MBE/MstJ (Chair of Governors)