Longwood Primary School


We hope you find our uniform highly practical, functional and smart. Through our uniform we emphasise being part of a whole school team. It comprises of the following:


Daily uniform

Grey skirt or pinafore dress.
Grey or black long trousers.

A green sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo.
A white polo shirt with school logo.
White/black socks/tights.

In warmer weather, summer dresses (green and white gingham) or grey smart shorts can be worn.  Please ensure your child's shoulders are covered.

If wellingtons or boots are worn during wintertime pupils require a change of shoes for indoor use.  We recommend that pupils bring a coat to school most days as our weather is very changeable and they will require a coat during social interaction times. 


P.E. Kit

White crew necked t-shirt

School tracksuit or a plain black tracksuit (no hood) or plain black jogging bottoms or shorts

Black plain trainers


Swimming Kits (KS2 only)

One piece swimsuits/fitted swimming trucks above the knee

Swimming hat


Waterproof bag


Forest School Clothing

Old long sleeved t-shirt and long trousers (may be damaged or stained)

Waterproof coat



Physical Appearance

Jewellery (other than one small pair of studded earrings), hair accessories, make-up and nail varnish are not permitted for any reason.  Pupils are required to remove any items during PE lessons to prevent them from causing injury.  Pupils wearing nail varnish, will be asked to remove it immediately.

Hair bands, ribbons/bows or 'scrunchies' should be small and plain green  Hair bands should not have large flowers etc attached.  Hair accessories should not act as a distraction.  

Hair that is shoulder length or longer should be tied up.  Extreme hairstyles are not permitted in school, examples are as follows:

No decorative patterns or lines cut into their hair.

Hair must not be coloured.

Headscarves for religious observance are welcomed, they must be plain black to match the uniform.

The use of styling products must be kept to a minimum.



For health and safety reasons we do not allow pupils to wear shoes with platform soles, high heels or sling backs.  All pupils are required to wear plain black shoes without logos (or boots in the winter) - preferably velcro fastenings, buckles or 'slip ons' rather than laces.  


PLEASE label all items of clothing with your child's name clearly. We actively discourage the wearing of any sports clothes carrying logos; the football strips of various teams and designer sports wear.  All jewellery to be removed for all PE activities for health and safety reasons. 

Our school uniform can be purchased from SK School Uniforms or the local supermarkets.  

SK SCHOOL UNIFORMS, 46,Chartwell, Riverside, Tamworth, B797UG. Telephone 01827705779.


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Get in Touch - We would love to hear from you!

Longwood Primary School
Allton Avenue, Mile Oak
Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 3NH
Main Contact: Mrs R.Price (Office)
Key Staff: R.Matthews (SENDco)
P.James (Headteacher)
P.Armitage MBE/MstJ (Chair of Governors)