Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
At Longwood the role of the Early Years Lead is to ensure that their setting has a high-quality curriculum. The Early Years Lead uses evidence-informed key features to create a high-quality curriculum and evaluate it:
Grounded in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework
Tailored to individual needs
Capitalised on children’s interests in order to achieve learning outcomes
Flexible and responsive so that plans can be changed or adapted to follow the interests of the children and / or respond to external events
Informed by ongoing assessment
Differentiated for age and stage of development.
When reviewing our curriculum, we look closely at children’s starting points from baseline data and any barriers to learning that may occur. Following this, staff work collaboratively to make sure the curriculum has been broken down into smaller achievable steps for children such as:
1. What do we want children to learn?
What activities do we want to do with them?
How will our setting support their learning?
This enables the Longwood team to create our own unique curriculum which is tailored to meet the needs of our children and their families. Developing a curriculum in collaboration with all staff has the following positive effects:
A clear vision of what children are working towards is shared by staff.
It increases staff engagement which in turn benefits children because staff are more motivated and more invested in the activities they are facilitating.
Our staff working closely with the children and their families are best placed to identify children’s interests/needs.